roses are red,
violets are blue
HTML is cool
as so as you.
HTML is cool as cool as its background,
as its body bgcolor=00000,
as its body background,
as its img src="url"
without HTML there is no nothing.
no games. no favorite websites. no blog
but with HTML there is everything,
thats is HTML.
violets are blue
HTML is cool
as so as you.
HTML is cool as cool as its background,
as its body bgcolor=00000,
as its body background,
as its img src="url"
without HTML there is no nothing.
no games. no favorite websites. no blog
but with HTML there is everything,
thats is HTML.
nice poem j-zon! :]
nice poem jaz. :D
nice poem^^ cool^^
tenQ, sa mga commnts. dagdag pa keo. hit back lng ako.
cool with those mesmerizing words :)
pwede pwede...
narinig q na ata ung "roses are red" etc. ehehe. nice.
thoughful. nananana.
tca. mua d2 poem...
woooW. hehe.
ooohhhh. malamig ( cool ):D
ahh... pwede na xa COOL (kunu) haha
kamaya kaw jason
nice poem..
nice profile...
nice poem...........
ehehe,, nice one jason... ehehe comment din u sakin dito.. bleh..
tenQ. sa mga nag comment. dagdag pa keo comment. basya todo.
nice.. hehe..
nays poem JASON. :DD
eheheh. :))
hahahah! nice poem jeeeeysoooon. :D
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