Thursday, February 7, 2008


roses are red,
violets are blue
HTML is cool
as so as you.

HTML is cool as cool as its background,
as its body bgcolor=00000,
as its body background,
as its img src="url"

without HTML there is no nothing.
no games. no favorite websites. no blog
but with HTML there is everything,
thats is HTML.


pixie said...

nice poem j-zon! :]

DINDOY :] said...

nice poem jaz. :D

MaRgAuX said...

nice poem^^ cool^^

syntax.error said...

tenQ, sa mga commnts. dagdag pa keo. hit back lng ako.


chixie pixie said...

cool with those mesmerizing words :)

frantian® said...

pwede pwede...


[bee] [ayy] [etch] said...

narinig q na ata ung "roses are red" etc. ehehe. nice.
thoughful. nananana.

tca. mua

Kae Freya said... d2 poem...


Anonymous said...

woooW. hehe.

♥♥ KAWAII ♥♥ said...

ooohhhh. malamig ( cool ):D

mine said...

ahh... pwede na xa COOL (kunu) haha

kamaya kaw jason

Farhana said...

nice poem..

Kelvz said...

nice profile...
nice poem...........

/marydyn-slash/ said...

ehehe,, nice one jason... ehehe comment din u sakin dito.. bleh..

syntax.error said...

tenQ. sa mga nag comment. dagdag pa keo comment. basya todo.


ღ ΞniD.10 ღ said...

nice.. hehe..

bubblegummiesü said...

nays poem JASON. :DD
eheheh. :))

SUPER DUPER ULTRA MEGA nookie. :D said...

hahahah! nice poem jeeeeysoooon. :D